目線 Line of sight
ある時… 作品を置く位置を変えたりしたときに、そうした演出を偶然見つけてもらい、あらためて感動してくれたら楽しいと思っています。
The finished work is usually viewed from the same angle.
In the case of my work, I think that most of the time I look at it from the front, left and right sides.
When you lift the roof, you can see the inside of the room well, but I imagine that there are not many cases where you see it that way.
That doesn’t mean that the interior of the room will be simplified or cut short.
Dust and debris are also produced in rain gutters and small signboards.
At one point ….
I think it would be fun if you happened to find such a production when you changed the position where you put the work, and you were impressed again.
忘れていた場所 Forgotten place
I thought I was working on the details, no matter how small, but recently I found a part I forgot to do.
It’s behind the tin wall.
For some time, it was a galvanized iron wall with columns on both sides.
The other day, when I was walking, I found a house with a galvanized iron wall, so I took a closer look. Then I noticed that a lot of timber was used.
I didn’t feel like it because I helped with the easy idea that few people would see the work from the back. However, the real thing is not the galvanized iron wall that I am making now.
With a feeling of remorse, when I returned home, I immediately remade it.
This one is definitely more real!

「神は細部に宿る」God dwells in the details
This word is a word that encourages me.
However, is this oversight really a detail (laughs)?
From this discovery, I decided to review other parts and make use of them in future works.